Tutorial: Developers


These tutorials cover advanced topics.

Technical details

jtree is a node.js app, packaged using pkg. As such, it uses standard web technologies: Javascript, CSS and HTML. Documentation is written in Markdown, then compiled to HTML using jsdoc. Clients and servers communicate via standard web requests and websockets (via socket.io).

Project structure

The jtree project is divided into parts roughly based on its folder structure:

  • build-tools:
    • scripts and tools for compiling releases.
  • client:
    • files used by clients.
  • doc-pages:
    • source files for documentation.
    • written in markdown, compiled to HTML.
  • docs:
    • help files to serve on github.io.
  • server:
    • the game engine, which puts players through stages.
    • static content server, for serving files.
    • websocket server, for sending and receiving websocket messages.
  • vueadmin:
    • source files for the "vue" admin UI.


Anyone is welcome to contribute to the project. Either edit files directly on Github, or submit groups of changes as a pull request.