Tutorial: Designing an App

Designing an App

This tutorial will show you how to program the simple public goods game used in the previous section. From the Welcome screen, click "Create App...". Type my-public-goods as the filename, then click "Create".

[Note: "App", "Game" and "Treatment" are used interchangeably in jtree.]

The App window will open. Click "Code..." to edit the code of your App.

First, we will define the parameters and stages of the app. Each app file begins with a pre-defined App object called app, and fields are modified and/or added to this object using regular Javascript. Add the following code to your file now:

app.numPeriods  = 10;
app.groupSize   = 4;
app.endowment   = 20;
app.prodFactor  = 2;

The code above sets the number of periods for this App to 10, and the number of players per group to 4. The last two lines create new fields specific to this app, the endowment that each player will begin with (20), and the production factor (2).

The next step is determining the stages of your app. Stages of an app are repeated a given number of times. The repeated public goods game has the following stages:

  1. Decision stage: players choose how much to contribute.
  2. Results stage: players are shown their profit for this period.

Stages are created and added to the app using the app.newStage(stageId) function. Add the following code to your file:

var decideStage  = app.newStage('decide');
var resultsStage = app.newStage('results');

The content field of a stage is shown to players when they are active in the stage. Content is mostly regular HTML, which consists of sets of tags. Tags are written in between greater than < and less than > characters, such as <p>. Tags can contain content, in which case they should also usually have an ending tag: <p>This is a paragraph.</p>.

For the 'Decide' screen, we want to show the following information to the player:

  • A title ("DECISION").
  • The player's endowment.
  • An input field for the player's contribution.
  • A button to confirm the contribution.

We will use the following tags: <p> (paragraph) to display text, <input> to create an input, and <button> to create a button. Set the value of decideStage.activeScreen to the following:

<p>Your endowment is {{app.endowment}} E$.</p>
<p>Your contribution (E$): <input name='player.contribution' required type='number' min='0' :max='app.endowment' step='1'></p>

jtree uses the Vue framework to bind screen elements to player data. For example, regular text that is encapsulated by double curly braces, {{ and }}, is evaluated, rather than interpreted literally. For example, in the decision screen, {{app.endowment}} would be replaced with "20". The same applies to tag properties (such as the max property in the above example) that are preceded with a : character. Available data objects are player, group (the current player's group), period (the group's period), app, session and stage.

The name attribute of an <input> tag is the name of the field where the input will be stored. So, player.contribution will store the value of the input in a field called contribution on the player object.

"OK" buttons do not need to be explicitly added in many cases. They are added automatically to active screens if the screen does not contain any buttons already (see Stage.addOKButtonIfNone).

Javascript allows multi-line strings through the use of 'backtick' characters, so for example the previous assignment could look like:

decideStage.activeScreen = `

For the results stage, we wish to first calculate production of the public good and payoffs, and then display this information to the players. Add the following to the end of your file:

resultsStage.groupStart = function(group) {
    group.contributions = group.sum('contribution');
    group.production = group.contributions * app.factor;
    group.prodPerPlayer = group.production / group.players.length;
    for (var i in group.players) { // i = 0, 1, 2, 3
        var player = group.players[i];
        player.points = app.endowment - player.contribution + group.prodPerPlayer;

The Stage.groupStart(group) function is called whenever a group begins playing the stage in question. It is passed the Group object, which is essentially a list of Players, as an argument. In our example, whenever a group starts playing this stage, the group contributions, production and production per player are calculated and stored as fields of the group object. Then, for every player in the group, points for the current period are calculated.

Now add the screen content:

resultsStage.activeScreen = `
<p>Your endowment was {{app.endowment}} E$. You contributed {{player.contribution}} E$.</p>
<p>In total, players in your group contributed {{group.contributions}} E$, thus the total amount produced was {{group.production.toFixed(2)}} E$.</p>
<p>Thus, your payoff in this period is {{player.points.toFixed(2)}} E$.</p>

In summary, the content of the app file is the following:

app.numPeriods  = 10;
app.groupSize   = 4;
app.endowment   = 20;
app.factor      = 2;

var decideStage = app.newStage('decide');
decideStage.activeScreen = `
    <p>Your endowment is {{app.endowment}} E$.</p>
    <p>Your contribution (E$): <input name='player.contribution' required type='number' min='0' :max='app.endowment' step='1'></p>

var resultsStage = app.newStage('results');
resultsStage.groupStart = function(group) {
    group.contributions = group.sum('contribution');
    group.production = group.contributions * app.factor;
    group.prodPerPlayer = group.production / group.players.length;
    for (var i in group.players) { // i = 0, 1, 2, 3
        var player = group.players[i];
        player.points = app.endowment - player.contribution + group.prodPerPlayer;
resultsStage.activeScreen = `
    <p>Your endowment was {{app.endowment}} E$. You contributed {{player.contribution}} E$.</p>
    <p>In total, players in your group contributed {{group.contributions}} E$, thus the total amount produced was {{group.production | round(2)}} E$.</p>
    <p>Thus, your payoff in this period is {{player.points | round(2)}} E$.</p>

And now the app is complete. To test it, simply follow the previous tutorial on running a session.