Tutorial: Release Notes

Release Notes

  • Generic game trees.
  • Listen to incremental game changes via observer.

2020.01.24 - 0.8.6

  • Queue options respect limits.
  • Method to get player time in stage.

2019.12.13 - 0.8.5

  • Sort participants.
  • Submit form on autoplay.
  • Change App.onSubmit to a string, instead of a function, that gets evaluated when a stage is submitted.

2019.12.12 - 0.8.4

  • App option: App.isStandaloneApp or //NOTSTANDLONEAPP.
  • Stage submission: check for current player, instead of just current stage name.
  • disable folder queues.
  • Queue options.

2019.11.15 - 0.8.3

  • remove "showAllStages" option.
  • focus modal inputs on show.
  • fix showNewApp / playerUpdate mix up at end of an App.
2019.10.17 -
  • CHANGED: AdminUI: default to old interface, added link to new (BETA) interface.
  • FIXED: defaultClient.js: set array values using Vue.set.
  • ADDED: new App (13victor).
  • FIXED: bug for listening to messages on client.
2019.10.17 -
  • FIXED: If default port (80 or 3000) is in use, try again with new port.
2019.10.08 -
  • FIXED: Admin UI, broken link to shared.js.
2019.10.08 - 0.8.2
  • FIXED: Help tutorials.

2019.10.07 - 0.8.1

  • Windowed Admin interface.
2019.09.24 - 0.7.17
  • FIXED: # clients not updating.
  • ADDED: show apps with errors.
  • ADDED, Settings: suggestedNumParticipants.
  • ADDED: features/chat app.
  • REMOVED: features/messaging app.
  • FIXED: samples/double-auction-fancy app.
  • CHANGED, Group: automatically stringify and parse message data.
  • ADDED: messages object on client.
    Admin UI
  • ADDED: Restart session (with same Apps).
  • ADDED: feedback on button clicks.
  • ADDED: feature app, adding external library.
  • ADDED: feature chart app.
2019.09.19 - 0.7.16
  • ADDED: option to serve files over HTTPS instead of HTTP.
  • FIXED: allow socket connections from outside local network.
  • CHANGED: custom settings now located in jtree/settings.json.
  • FIXED: edit App, set variable values.
  • FIXED, Admin UI: reload apps.
  • ADDED: messaging sample app.
  • ADDED: table sample app.
  • ADDED, setting: loadSessions (false by default).
2019.09.07 - 0.7.15
  • FIXED, Participant: calculate points scored in an app / session.
  • FIXED, Player.js: check for whether player is already finished a particular stage.
  • FIXED, 1natalia app: outcome for ultimatum game & strategy method.
  • FIXED, double-auction-bootstrap app: proper check for available inventory.
2019.09.06 - 0.7.14
  • UPDATED: double-auction-bootstrap app.
  • UPDATED: 11simone app.
  • UPDATED: Admin UI, Apps view, shortened id length.
  • UPDATED, App.js: added check if jt.autoplay exists before creating it.
  • UPDATED, Admin UI: Display number of apps in queue properly.
2019.09.04 - 0.7.13
  • UPDATED: double auction app.
2019.09.02 - 0.7.12
  • FIXED: buttons store values for multiple periods.
  • FIXED: passing methods to Vue on client.
  • FIXED: removed 'updateScheduled' for Participant output.
  • ADDED: Stage.showTimer field.
  • ADDED: Session.allowAdminClientsToPlay field.
  • UPDATED: "11simone" app.
  • REMOVED: unused client files.
2019.08.28 - 0.7.11
  • REMOVED: unused client files.
  • FIXED: bug that cleared inputs when other players finished a stage.
  • UPDATED: "11simone" app.
2019.08.27 - 0.7.10
  • fix for ending stages automatically after timeout.
2019.07.06 - 0.7.8
  • script for updating version numbers.
  • remove releases from repo.
  • added "10ali" user app.
  • added "queue" demo app.
  • added "randomizedQuest" demo app.
  • added "outputDelimiter" field to "Session", "App" and "Settings" objects.
  • remove “Data” Session tab.
  • fix duration timeouts.
  • remove log statements from all apps
  • re-add code to prompt during page unload
2019.04.22 - 0.7.7
  • send circular data in messages.
  • menu collapses at smaller width.
2019.04.10 - 0.7.6
  • clean up icons.
  • fix "double auction" app.
  • re-organize apps folder.
2019.03.29 - 0.7.5
  • Added: display version on Home tab.
  • Fix: "test" player no longer created.
  • Cleaned up menu.
2019.03.28 - 0.7.4
  • Disable autocomplete on forms.
  • Stop players advancing two periods by accident.
2018.12.28 - 0.7.3
  • Apps are reloaded just before first participant starts them.
  • Admin UIs must be explcitly added to build.
  • Removed unused admin UI files.
2018.12.20 - 0.7.2
  • Fix: Apps not ending correctly.
2018.12.20 - 0.7.1
  • catch errors in admin UI.
  • Fix: Groups end stages with duration correctly.
  • remove duplicate participant updates.

2018.12.07 - 0.7.0

  • fix stage engine
  • sort participants alphanumerically when downloading output
2018.11.28 - 0.6.13
  • app randomization via queue (session.getApp(participant). See "random-order" app.
  • Admin UI: fix Participants table showing blank spaces.
  • Stage.autoplay: write autoplay code for each stage individually.
  • App.periodText: text to display for "Period".
2018.11.21 - 0.6.12
  • update 3james app to work with latest release.
  • update 7simone app to include two timers.
  • clients run two seperate timers (stage.duration and stage.clientDuration).
2018.11.16 - 0.6.11
  • Fixed font size for smaller screens (phones).
  • App order is customizable (Session.getApp(participant)).
  • Added Utils.drawRandomly function.
  • Added App.end() function.
  • Queues can be defined programmatically (i.e. "session.addApp(...)");
2018.11.14 - 0.6.10
  • Session: fixed "Download" button.
2018.11.08 - 0.6.9
  • Added "Stage.getGroupDuration(group)" function to allow stage duration to be dynamic.
  • Allow editing of session ids.
2018.10.31 - 0.6.8
  • Fix for Queue options.
  • Added "timeElapsed" field to client.
2018.10.22 - 0.6.7
  • Added fields: App.stageWaitToStart, App.stageWaitToEnd.
  • Fix for Queues in admin UI.
2018.10.16 - 0.6.6
  • Queues turned on by default.
  • Record time spent in each stage.
2018.09.27 - 0.6.5
  • Integrate Vue.js on clients.
  • Added: Double auction app.
  • Added Stage.getClientDuration(player) function.
  • Documentation for App.id and using static files.
  • Removed console error for missing settings.js file.
  • Cleaned up extra files.
  • Show # of participants in UI.
  • various model fixes.
  • Fixed docs.
  • Client: fixed duration timer not displaying correctly.
  • Add: Client onClockUpdate function.
  • Fix: Participant fields not being saved on App end.
  • added Stage.clientDuration property.


  • fix for multiple periods.
  • save session data
  • catch errors when parsing client values.
  • save session data on demand.
  • fix to display participant points properly.
  • fix to reload apps on participant connect.
  • participant IDs can include '.' character.
  • load apps from .js and .jtt files.
  • fixes
  • added Stag Hunt game
  • app UI: use brackets "{}" to indicate text that should be dynamic. Configurable in App.textMarkerBegin and App.textMarkerEnd.
  • started work on WindowUI.
  • do not set attribute on 'jt-enabledIf' tags on client.
  • update to Double Auction (LNF) app
  • shortcut to make client previews full screen screen
  • update to Double Auction (LNF) app


  • User functionality.
  • various fixes.
  • added "description" field to App Options.
  • allow connections without explicit Participant ID.
  • hide / show Queues.
  • refactoring admin UI.
  • App "2peter": changed grouping to "stranger".
  • minor changes to some default apps.


  • split session page into tabs.
  • added "Data" tab to session page.
  • group buttons.
  • added breakpoint to participant css.
  • participant UI: improvement to mobile view.
  • fixed: in sessions with repeats of the same app, the last player in the session would skip first instance of the app.
  • added: client autoplay now uses player.id in text fields.
  • added: queues prompt on delete.
  • added: new App, 2peter (binary trust game with history)
  • changed, autoplay: if no empty input field is found, click random submit button.
  • tidied up documentation a bit
  • bug fix: timers not ending stages correctly
  • added: delete session.
  • fixed: would not start without valid settings.js file.
  • include example Queue


  • fix session flow
  • added app options
  • added queues
  • various Admin UI improvements
  • UI improvements
  • started work on rooms
  • changed participation links to be either 1) server/pId, or 2) server/session/sId/pId
  • added: switching between admin UIs via URL.
  • added: menu to admin UI
  • added: placeholders for rooms and users
  • fixed: bug in autoplay that played hidden inputs.
  • fixed: sessions in admin UIs showing participants from other sessions.
  • bug fix: expiry of group timers now use session message queue.
  • app finished: public goods with punishment
  • added stage timers back to default apps.
  • fixed bug with displaying timers on clients.
  • fixed bugs with stage flow.


  • fixed stage flow pattern to match docs.
  • bug fix: clients could not use "participant" object.
  • can delete participants from admin interface.
  • added "allow new participants" setting to sessions.
  • changed participant links to be x.x.x.x/PID
  • added participantIds setting, allows to specify the PIDs to use on the server.
  • added 3 games: Beauty Contest, Market Entry Game, and Travellers Dilemma.
  • added help.
  • updated version number

** clients

  • added "jt-value" functionality, lets you set elements to expressions instead of single variables.
  • added "jt-displayIf" functionality, lets you dynamically hide or show elements.
  • added "real-effort-sums" app.

** server

  • fixed bug with stage timers expiring multiple times.
    ** clients
  • added missing sharedTemplate.js file.
  • hide stage content on load.
    ** general
  • changed default port to 80.
  • hide port from participant urls if it is 80.


  • initial release