Tutorial: Session Flow Details

Session Flow Details

This describes the sequence of events that make up a session. For a broader summary, see the basic tutorial.

A participants position in the session flow is determined by the following fields: status, appIndex, periodIndex, stageIndex, and status. When a participant connects to a new session for the first time, these fields are initialized to the following values:

  • status = ready
  • appIndex = -1
  • periodIndex = 0
  • stageIndex = 0

Session start / advance slowest

For each of slowest participants in the session, the participant moves to their next stage.

Participant moves to their next stage

FUNCTION: Participant.moveToNextStage()

If participant is in a stage, participant's player attempts to end their current stage.

Otherwise, participant starts their first app.


  • session start / advance slowest.

Participant starts an app

FUNCTION: App.participantBegin()

If app.started is false, evaluate the app's app.js file. Set app.started to true.

Call App.participantStart(participant).

Participant starts the first period of the app.


  • session start
  • player ends a stage

Participant starts a period.

If this is the first participant to start this period, initialize the period (create players, assign players to groups).

Participant's player attempts to start first stage.


  • participant starting an app
  • player ending a stage

Player attempts to start a stage

  1. player.status is set to 'ready'.

  2. Group attempts to start the stage.

  3. If Stage.waitToStart is false, player starts the stage.


  • participant starts a period.
  • player ending a stage

Group attempts to start a stage

If Stage.waitToStart is false, or all players in group are ready, then Group starts the stage.


  • player attempting to start a stage.
  • group ends a stage.

Group starts a stage

  1. Group timers start. When timer elapses, group wraps up the stage.
  2. Run the function Stage.groupPlay(group).
  3. If Stage.waitToStart is true, then each player of the group starts the stage.


  • participant starting a period.

Player starts a stage.

  • If Stage.canParticipate(player) returns true, then:
  • Otherwise, player attempts to end the stage.


  • participant starting a period
  • participant ending a stage
  • group starting a stage

Group wraps up a stage

  • For each player in the group, the player attempts to end this stage.


  • group timer elapsing.

Player attempts to end a stage

If player is not in this stage, then stop.

  • Player's status set to 'finished'.

  • If Stage.waitToEnd is false, player ends stage.

  • Player's group attempts to end stage.


  • submitting stage data.
  • not participating.

Player ends a stage


If stage is not null,

If player's next stage is not null, player starts their next stage.

  • Otherwise, if participant's next period is not null, participant starts their next period.
  • Otherwise, participant ends current app.


  • Player attempts to end a stage.
  • Group ends a stage.

Player's next stage

Call App.getNextStageForPlayer(player).

Participant's next period

Call App.getNextPeriod(participant).

Group attempts to end a stage

  • If player.status is finished for all players of group, group ends the stage.


  • Player attempts to end a stage.

Group ends a stage

  • If group has a stage timer, it is cancelled.

  • If no stage, or Stage.waitToEnd is true, each player ends the stage.

  • Call Stage.groupEnd(group).

  • If not last stage in period:

    • group attempts to start next stage in period.
      • Cannot simply start the next stage, since it is possible that group membership changed between periods.
  • Otherwise, if not the last period in the app:
    • group ends this period.


  • Group attempting to end a stage.

Group ends a period

Call Period.groupEnd(group).

If all groups have finished this period, and this period is last period of App, write output of this app to the Session's .csv file.


  • group ending a stage.

Participant ends an app

If app not null, call App.participantEnd(participant).
If participant's next app is not null, participant starts next their app of session.
Otherwise, participant ends the session.


  • group ending a stage.
  • player ending a stage.

Participant's next app

Call Session.getNextApp(participant), which usually returns the next app in the session app sequence for this participant (given by Participant.appIndex).

Participant ends a session

Call Session.participantEnd(participant).