Tutorial: Setup


Download the zip file for your system:

Extract the contents of the zip file. It contains the following:

  • jtree.exe (or equivalent for Mac and Linux): the server.
  • /apps: a folder for apps.
  • /internal: logs, client files and server information.

Additionally, jtree generates the following folder:

  • /sessions: where session output is stored.

jtree consists of a server program (the .exe file). You start the server, then connect to it as a client via your web browser. Clients can be either administrators or participants.

Run the server program (double click) and the administrator window opens in your browser. The first time you run this program, you might need to explicitly allow it to run/access the network. From the administrator window, you design apps and run sessions. A session consists of a series of apps. An app is a series of stages, potentially repeated several times.