Tutorial: Settings


The server may be customized by modifying the contents of the jtree/internal/settings.js file. To overwrite option name with the value value, just add the following to the file:

settings.name = value

The following options (with default values shown) are available:

defaultAdminPwd: undefined

A password for accessing the administrator page. A value of "undefined" means no password is required.

openAdminOnStart: true

Whether or not the administrator window should open when server is started.

port: 80 on Windows, 3000 otherwise

The port which the server will run on.

sessionShowFullLinks: false

Whether or not sessions should display links with explicit session id.

allowClientsToCreateParticipants: true

Whether or not clients can login (with a valid participant ID) before the participant actually exists in the session.

participantIds: ['P1', 'P2', ..., 'P100']

A list of participant IDs to be used for sessions.

waitOnTimerEnd: true

Whether to wait for player submissions after a stage timer has expired (true), or whether to proceed immediately to the next stage (false). The former is useful if you want to allow half-finished submissions, while the second is faster (no delay in waiting for submissions) and more secure (players cannot circumvent the stage timer).