Tutorial: Buttons


Button actions can be set explicitly using the onclick=... attribute:

// client.html
<button onclick='buttonClick();'>
// in client-side javascript
var buttonClick = function() { … }

Or in Javascript

// In client-side javascript

Buttons can also be linked to select elements by setting their jt-select attribute to the name of the corresponding select element.

// client.html
<select name='offersSelect'>...</select>
<button jt-select='offersSelect' jt-action='buttonClick'>

This will call the buttonClick function on the server, passing in the ID of the currently selected row in the offersSelect element. The action function needs to be defined on the server:

app.messages.buttonClick = function(id) {
    // do something.

If the jt-enabledIf attribute is present, the button is only active when its condition is fulfilled. selRow refers to the selected table row.

<button jt-select='offersSelect' jt-action='buttonClick' jt-enabledIf='selRow.x > 5'>