Source: App.js

const Stage     = require('./Stage.js');
const Period    = require('./Period.js');
const Utils     = require('./Utils.js');
const fs        = require('fs-extra');
const path      = require('path');
const Timer     = require('./Timer.js');

/** Class that represents an app. */
class App {

     * Creates an App.
     * @param  {Session} session description
     * @param  {String} id      description
    constructor(session, jt, appPath) {

         * The unique identifier of this App. In order of precedence, the value is given by:
         * - the explicit value in the .jtt file (if it has been set)
         * - the name of the .jtt file (if it is not app.jtt or app.js)
         * - the name of the folder containing the .jtt file
         * @type {String}
         */ = appPath;

        let id = appPath;
        if (id.includes('app.js') || id.includes('app.jtt')) {
            let str = null;
            if (id.includes('app.js')) {
                str = 'app.js';
            } else if (id.includes('app.jtt')) {
                str = 'app.jtt';
            id = id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf(str));

           // Strip trailing slashes.
            if (id.endsWith('/')) {
                id = id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf('/'));
            } else if (id.endsWith('\\')) {
                id = id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf('\\'));
            // Cut all but last part of path.
            if (id.lastIndexOf('/') > -1) {
                id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
            } else if (id.lastIndexOf('\\') > -1) {
                id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
        } else {
            // Strip folders.
            if (id.lastIndexOf('/') > -1) {
                this.appDir = id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf('/'));
                id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
            } else if (id.lastIndexOf('\\') > -1) {
                this.appDir = id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf('\\'));
                id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
            this.appFilename = id;
            if (id.endsWith('.js')) {
                id = id.substring(0, id.length - '.js'.length);
            } else if (id.endsWith('.jtt')) {
                id = id.substring(0, id.length - '.jtt'.length);
        this.shortId = id;

        this.onSubmit = `

         * @type {jt}
        this.jt = jt;

        /** Where the original definition of this app is stored on the server.*/
        this.appPath = appPath;

        this.started = false;

        this.outputDelimiter = ';';
        if (session != null) {
            this.outputDelimiter = session.outputDelimiter;

         * The Session that this App belongs to.
         * @type {Session}
        this.session = session;

        this.isStandaloneApp = true;

         * The stages of this app.
         * @type Array
         * @default []
        this.stages = [];

         * The options of this app.
         * @type Array
         * @default []
        this.options = [];

         * The option values of this app.
         * @type Object
         * @default {}
        this.optionValues = {};

        // If not null, the length of time a participant has to play this app.
        this.duration = null;

        /** Used by the participant client to find and create dynamic text elements.*/
        this.textMarkerBegin = '{{{';
        this.textMarkerEnd = '}}}';

        this.useVue = true;

         * The number of periods in this App.
         * @type number
         * @default 1
        this.numPeriods = 1;

         * Inserts jtree functionality to the start of client.html
         * @type boolean
         * @default true
        this.insertJtreeRefAtStartOfClientHTML = true;

         * Shown on all client screens.
         * @type String
         * @default 
        this.html = `
            <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
                    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
                <body class='hidden'>
                    <div id='jtree'>
                        <p v-show='app.numPeriods > 1'>{{ app.periodText }}: {{}}/{{app.numPeriods}}</p>
                        <p v-show='hasTimeout && stage.showTimer'>Time left (s): {{clock.totalSeconds}}</p>
                        <span v-show='player.status=="playing"'>
                        <span v-show='["ready", "waiting", "finished", "done"].includes(player.status)'>

        this.periodText = 'Period'

        this.vueModels = {};

        // Objects defined here are generated on the client, and accessible via "jt.vue.XXX", 
        // where XXX is the name of the computed variable.
        this.vueComputed = {};
        this.vueMethods = {};

        this.vueMethodsDefaults = {
            checkForm: function (e) {
                return true;

        this.clientScripts = null;

        // Paths of script tags.
        this.modifyPathsToIncludeId = true;

        /** TODO:   */
        this.screen = '';

        /** Shown on all client playing screens if {@link Stage.useAppActiveScreen} = true.
        * @default null
        this.activeScreen = null;

        /** Shown on all client waiting screens if {@link Stage.useWaitingScreen} = true.
        this.waitingScreen = `
            <p>The experiment will continue soon.</p>

        /** If 'htmlFile' is not null, content of 'htmlFile' is added to client content.
         * Otherwise, if 'htmlFile' is null, content of + ".html" is added to client content, if it exists.
        this.htmlFile = null;

         * The periods of this App.
         * @type Array
         * @default []
        this.periods = [];

        * Description of this App.
        * @type String
        * @default 'No description provided.'
        this.description = 'No description provided.';

         * Array of comparisons to show by default on Session -> Data tab.
         * Each entry consists of:
         * - field name (i.e. 'player.points')
         * - x-axis object (i.e. 'player')
         * - y-axis object (i.e. 'period')
         * Field values are aggregated using the arithmetic mean as necessary (for example, if field is player.x, but x-axis is group, then table shows arithmetic mean of all player.x in a group).
         * @type Array
         * @default []
        this.keyComparisons = [];

         * Whether or not to wait for all participants before starting the app.
         * @type boolean
         * @default true
        this.waitForAll = true;

        this.stageWaitToStart = true;
        this.stageWaitToEnd = true;

         * The matching type to be used for groups in this App.
         * @type string
         * @default 'STRANGER'
        this.groupMatchingType = 'STRANGER';

         * Messages to listen for from clients.
         * @type Object
         * @default {}
        this.messages = {};

         * Set default value for Stage.wrapPlayingScreenInFormTag.
         * If 'yes', then form is added.
         * If 'no', no form is added.
         * If 'onlyIfNoButton', then form is added only if page has no buttons.
         * @type String
         * @default true
        this.stageWrapPlayingScreenInFormTag = 'onlyIfNoButton';

         * If defined, subjects are assigned randomly to groups of this size takes precedence over numGroups.
         * @type number
         * @default undefined
         this.groupSize = undefined;

         this.groupingType = undefined;

          * Indicates whether or not the code for this app compiles to an error or not.
        this.hasError = false;

          * If not null and this is the first App in a Session, sets the initial number of players to this amount.
        this.suggestedNumPlayers = undefined;

         * if defined, subjects are split evenly into this number of groups
         * overridden by groupSize.
         * @type number
         * @default undefined
        this.numGroups = undefined;

         * Starts the stages of this App.
         * TODO:
         * @type string
         * @default '<span jt-stage="{{}}">'
        // this.stageContentStart = '<span jt-stage="{{}}">';

        this.stageContentStart = `
            <span v-show=" == '{{}}'">

         * Ends the stages of this App.
         * TODO:
         * @type string
         * @default '</span>'
        this.stageContentEnd = '</span>';

        this.outputHideAuto = [

         * @type array
         * @default []
        this.outputHide = [];

        /** TODO: Description
         * @type boolean
         * @default false
        this.finished = false;

     * @static newSansId - return an app with the given path.
     * @param  {type} jt      description
     * @param  {type} appPath The path relative to the server process. i.e. /apps/my-app.jtt or /apps/my-complex-app/app.js
     * @return {App}          The given app.
    static newSansId(jt, appPath) {
        console.log('loading app with no session: ' + appPath);
        var out = new App({}, jt, appPath);
        return out;

     * @static Load an app from json.
     * - {@link Session#load}
     * @param  {Object} json    A json object containing the properties of the app.
     * @param  {Session} session The session this app belongs to.
     * @return {App}         A new app initialized with the data in json.
    static load(json, session) {
        var index = json.sessionIndex;
        var app = new App(session,, session.jt);

        // Run app code.
        var folder = path.join(session.jt.path, session.getOutputDir() + '/' + index + '_' +;
        var appCode = Utils.readJS(folder + '/app.jtt');

        //If there is already an app in place, save its stages and periods??
        if (session.apps.length > index-1) {
            var curApp = session.apps[index-1];
            /** app.stages = curApp.stages;*/
            app.periods = curApp.periods;

        for (var j in json) {
            app[j] = json[j];

        session.apps[index-1] = app;

     * Returns the amount of time this participant has to play this app.
    getParticipantDuration(participant) {
        return this.duration;

     * Overwrite to add custom functionality for when a {@link Client} starts this app.
     * Called from:
     * - {@link App#addClientDefault}.
     * @param  {Client} client The client who is connecting to this app.
    addClient(client) {
        /** Overwrite */

    * Called when a {@link Client} connected to a {@link Participant} starts this app.
    * - client subscribes to this App's channel.
    * - client registers custom messages it may send.
    * - client registers automatic stage submission messages it may send.
    * - load custom behaviour [this.addClient]{@link App#addClient}.
    * Called from:
    * - {@link App#participantBegin}
    * @param  {Client} client The client who is connecting to this app.
    addClientDefault(client) {

        for (var i in this.messages) {
            var msg = this.messages[i];
            client.register(i, msg);

        // Register for automatic stage messages.
        var app = this;
        for (var s in this.stages) {
            var stageName = this.stages[s].name;

            // Listen to message from clients.
            client.on(stageName, function(data) { // stage messages are sent by default when submit button is clicked.

            // Queue message.
            client[stageName] = function(data) {
                app.session.pushMessage(client, data, data.fnName + 'Process');

            // Process the message.
            client[stageName + 'Process'] = function(data) {

                app.jt.log('Server received auto-stage submission: ' + JSON.stringify(data));

                if (client.player() === null) {
                    return false;

                if (client.player().roomId() !== data.playerRoomId || client.player() !== data.fnName) {
                    console.log('App.js, PLAYER ROOM ID DOES NOT MATCH, skipping submission: ' + client.player() + ' vs. ' + data.fnName + ', data=' + JSON.stringify(data));
                    return false;

                // TODO: Not parsing strings properly.
                for (var property in data) {
                    var value = data[property];

                    if (value === 'true') {
                        value = true;
                    } else if (value === 'false') {
                        value = false;
                    } else if (!isNaN(value)) {
                        value = parseFloat(value);

                    if (data.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
                        if (property.startsWith('player.')) {
                            var fieldName = property.substring('player.'.length);
                            client.player()[fieldName] = value;
                        } else if (property.startsWith('group.')) {
                            var fieldName = property.substring('group.'.length);
                  [fieldName] = value;
                        } else if (property.startsWith('participant.')) {
                            var fieldName = property.substring('participant.'.length);
                            client.participant[fieldName] = value;
                        } else if (property.startsWith('period.')) {
                            var fieldName = property.substring('period.'.length);
                            client.period()[fieldName] = value;
                        } else if (property.startsWith('app.')) {
                            var fieldName = property.substring('app.'.length);
                  [fieldName] = value;
                var endForGroup = true;



        // Load custom code, overwrite default stage submission behavior.
        try {
        } catch(err) {


    /** TODO */
    addStages(array) {
        for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) {

     * Adds a stage, with contents loaded from .jtt file.
     * @param {The name of the stage to add} name 
    addStage(name) {
        var stage = this.newStage(name);
        var fn = path.join(path.dirname(, name);
        if (fs.existsSync(fn + '.jtt')) {
            fn = fn + '.jtt';
        } else if (fs.existsSync(fn + '.js')) {
            fn = fn + '.js';
        try {
        } catch (err) {
            console.log('Error evaluating ' + fn);

    setContents(contents) {
        try {
            fs.writeFileSync('apps/' + + '.jtt', contents);
        } catch (err) {

    setFileContents(contents) {
        try {
            fs.writeFileSync(, contents);
        } catch (err) {

     * Get next stage for player in their current period. Return null if already at last stage of period.
     * DUE TO:
     * {@link Stage.playerEnd}
    getNextStageForPlayer(player) {
        var stageInd = player.stageIndex;

        /** If not in the last stage, return next stage.*/
        if (stageInd < this.stages.length-1) {
            return this.stages[stageInd+1];
        } else {
            return null;


     * TODO
     * Get group ids for their current period
    getGroupIdsForPeriod(period) {
        var participants = this.session.participants;
        var numGroups = period.numGroups();
        var pIds = [];
        for (var p in participants) {
        // Group IDs.
        var gIds = [];
        for (var g=0; g<numGroups; g++) {

        for (let i=0; i<period.groups.length; i++) {
            let group = period.groups[i];
            for (let j=0; j<group.players.length; j++) {
                for (let k=0; k<pIds.length; k++) {
                    if (pIds[k] == group.players[j].id) {
                        pIds.splice(k, 1);

        // Calculate number of elements per group
        var m = Math.floor((pIds.length-1) / numGroups) + 1;

        if (this.groupMatchingType === 'PARTNER_1122') {
            for (var g=this.groups.length; g<numGroups; g++) {
                for (var i=0; i<m; i++) {
                    pIds.splice(0, 1);
        } else if (this.groupMatchingType === 'PARTNER_1212') {
            for (var i=0; i<m; i++) {
                for (var g=this.groups.length; g<numGroups; g++) {
                    pIds.splice(0, 1);
        } else if (this.groupMatchingType === 'PARTNER_RANDOM') {
            if ( === 1) {
                period.getStrangerMatching(numGroups, pIds, gIds, m, period.groups.length);
            } else {
                var prevPeriod = period.prevPeriod();
                gIds = prevPeriod.groupIds();
        } else if (this.groupMatchingType === 'STRANGER') {
            period.getStrangerMatching(numGroups, pIds, gIds, m, period.groups.length);
        return gIds;

    sendParticipantPage(req, res, participant) {

        // Load dynamic version of app to allow for live editing of stage html.
        // var app = this;
        var app = this.reload();

        // Start with hard-coded html, if any.
        var html = '';
        if (app.html != null) {
            html = html + app.html;
        if (app.screen != null) {
            html = html + app.screen;

        // Load content of html file, if any.
        // Try app.htmlFile, id.html, and client.html.
        var htmlFile = app.htmlFile == null ? + '.html' : app.htmlFile;
        var filename = path.join(app.jt.path, '/apps/' + + '/' + htmlFile);
        if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
            html = html + Utils.readTextFile(filename);
        } else {
            htmlFile = 'client.html';
            filename = path.join(app.jt.path, '/apps/' + + '/' + htmlFile);
            if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
                html = html + Utils.readTextFile(filename);

        if (app.activeScreen != null) {
            html += `
            <span v-show='player.status == "playing"' class='playing-screen'>

        if (!html.includes('{{stages}}')) {
            html += `
            <span v-show='player.status == "playing"' class='playing-screen'>

        // Load stage contents, if any.
        var stagesHTML = '';
        var waitingScreensHTML = '';
        for (var i=0; i<app.stages.length; i++) {
            var stage = app.stages[i];
            var stageHTML = '';
            var contentStart = app.parseStageTag(stage, app.stageContentStart);
            var contentEnd = app.parseStageTag(stage, app.stageContentEnd);
            if (stage.content != null) {
                stageHTML = contentStart + '\n' + stage.content + '\n' + contentEnd;
            if (stage.activeScreen != null) {
                stageHTML += app.parseStageTag(stage, app.stageContentStart)  + '\n';
                let wrapInForm = null;
                if (stage.wrapPlayingScreenInFormTag === 'yes') {
                    wrapInForm = true;
                } else if (stage.wrapPlayingScreenInFormTag === 'no') {
                    wrapInForm = false;
                } else if (stage.wrapPlayingScreenInFormTag === 'onlyIfNoButton') {
                    if (
                        !stage.activeScreen.includes('<button') ||
                        ) {
                        wrapInForm = true;
                    } else {
                        wrapInForm = false;
                if (wrapInForm) {
                    stageHTML += '<form>\n';
                stageHTML += stage.activeScreen + '\n';
                if (stage.addOKButtonIfNone) {
                    if (!stageHTML.includes('<button')) {
                        stageHTML += `<button>OK</button>`;
                if (wrapInForm) {
                    stageHTML += '</form>\n';
                stageHTML += app.parseStageTag(stage, app.stageContentEnd);

            if (stagesHTML.length > 0) {
                stagesHTML += '\n';
            stagesHTML += stageHTML;

            var waitingScreenHTML = contentStart;
            if (stage.useAppWaitingScreen) {
                waitingScreenHTML += app.waitingScreen;
            if (stage.waitingScreen != null) {
                waitingScreenHTML += stage.waitingScreen;
            waitingScreenHTML += contentEnd;

            if (waitingScreensHTML.length > 0) {
                waitingScreensHTML += '\n';
            waitingScreensHTML += waitingScreenHTML;

        let [strippedScripts, stagesHTML1] = this.stripTag('script', stagesHTML);
        let [strippedStyles, stagesHTML2] = this.stripTag('style', stagesHTML1);
        let [strippedLinks, stagesHTML3] = this.stripTag('link', stagesHTML2);
        stagesHTML = stagesHTML3;

        if (html.includes('{{stages}}')) {
            html = html.replace('{{stages}}', stagesHTML);

        // if (html.includes('{{waiting-screens}}') && app.waitingScreen != null) {
        //     html = html.replace('{{waiting-screens}}', app.waitingScreen);
        // }
        html = html.replace('{{waiting-screens}}', waitingScreensHTML);

        // Replace {{ }} markers.
        var markerStart = app.textMarkerBegin;
        var markerEnd = app.textMarkerEnd;
        while (html.indexOf(markerStart) > -1) {
            var ind1 = html.indexOf(markerStart);
            var ind2 = html.indexOf(markerEnd);
            var text = html.substring(ind1+markerStart.length, ind2);
            var span = '<i jt-text="' + text + '" style="font-style: normal"></i>';
            html = html.replace(markerStart + text + markerEnd, span);

        // Insert jtree functionality.
        if (app.insertJtreeRefAtStartOfClientHTML) {
            html = '<script type="text/javascript" src="/participant/jtree.js"></script>\n' + html;

        let scriptsHTML = strippedLinks + '\n' + strippedStyles + '\n' + strippedScripts;
        if (app.clientScripts != null) {
            if (!app.clientScripts.trim().startsWith('<script')) {
                scriptsHTML = '<script>' + app.clientScripts + '</script>';
            } else {
                scriptsHTML = app.clientScripts;                
        scriptsHTML += this.getAutoplayScript();
        if (html.includes('{{scripts}}')) {
            html = html.replace('{{scripts}}', scriptsHTML);

        if (this.modifyPathsToIncludeId) {
            let prefixes = ['href', 'src'];
            for (let ind in prefixes) {
                let i = prefixes[ind];
                // Temporary fix, do not change anything that starts with '/' or 'http'.
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + '="\\/', 'gmi'), i + 'XXX="');
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + "='\\/", "gmi"), i + "XXX='");
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + '="http', 'gmi'), i + 'XXXhttp="');
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + "='http", "gmi"), i + "XXXhttp='");
                // Replace all other paths.
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + '="', 'gmi'), i + '="./' + this.shortId + '/');
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + "='", "gmi"), i + "='./" + this.shortId + '/');
                // Revert fix.
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + 'XXX="', 'gmi'), i + '="/');
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + "XXX='", "gmi"), i + "='/");
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + 'XXXhttp="', 'gmi'), i + '="http');
                html = html.replace(new RegExp(i + "XXXhttp='", "gmi"), i + "='http");
        // Return to client.

    getAutoplayScript() {
        let out = `
        jt.autoplay = function() {
            switch ( {
        for (let i=0; i<this.stages.length; i++) {
            out += `
            case "${this.stages[i].id}":

        out += `
        for (let i=0; i<this.stages.length; i++) {
            out += `
                if (jt.autoplay_${this.stages[i].id} == null) {
                    jt.autoplay_${this.stages[i].id} = function() {

        out += `

        return out;

    stripTag(tagName, text) {
        let strippedText = '';
        while (text.includes('<' + tagName)) {
            let start = text.indexOf('<' + tagName);
            if (start == -1) {
            let nextStart = text.indexOf('<' + tagName, start + tagName.length + 1);
            let endTag = '/' + tagName + '>';
            let end = text.indexOf(endTag, start) + endTag.length;
            if (end == -1 || (nextStart > -1 && end > nextStart)) {
                endTag = '>';
                end = text.indexOf(endTag, start) + endTag.length;
            if (end == -1 + endTag.length) {
            strippedText += text.substring(start, end);
            text = text.substring(0, start) + text.substring(end);
        return [strippedText, text];

    // TODO
    parseStageTag(stage, text) {
        while (text.includes('{{')) {
            var start = text.indexOf('{{');
            var end = text.indexOf('}}');
            var curTag = text.substring(start + '{{'.length, end);
            var value = eval(curTag);
            text = text.replace('{{' + curTag + '}}', value);
        return text;

     * Ends this App.
     * - Create headers for this app, periods, groups, group tables, players and participants.
     * - Create output.
     * - Write output to this session's csv file.
     * - {@link App#tryToEndApp}
    internalEnd() {


        let timeStamp = this.session.jt.settings.getConsoleTimeStamp();
        console.log(timeStamp + ' END   - APP   : ' + this.getIdInSession());

        this.finished = true;

        let fd = fs.openSync(this.session.csvFN(), 'a');

        try {
            fs.appendFileSync(fd, this.saveOutput());
        } catch(err) {
            console.log('error writing app: ' +;
        } finally {


    end() {}

    saveOutput() {

        //Create headers
        var appsHeaders = [];
        var appsSkip = ['id'];
        var appFields = this.outputFields();
        Utils.getHeaders(appFields, appsSkip, appsHeaders);

        var periodHeaders = [];
        var groupHeaders = [];
        var playerHeaders = [];
        var periodSkip = ['id'];
        var groupSkip = ['id', 'allPlayersCreated'];
        var playerSkip = ['status', 'stageIndex', 'id', 'participantId'];
        var groupTables = [];
        var groupTableHeaders = {};
        for (var i=0; i<this.periods.length; i++) {
            var period = this.periods[i];
            var periodFields = period.outputFields();
            Utils.getHeaders(periodFields, periodSkip, periodHeaders);
            for (var j=0; j<period.groups.length; j++) {
                var group = period.groups[j];
                for (var k=0; k<group.tables.length; k++) {
                    var tableId = group.tables[k];
                    if (!groupTables.includes(tableId)) {
                        groupTableHeaders[tableId] = [];
                    var tableHeaders = groupTableHeaders[tableId];
                    var tableFields = group[tableId].outputFields();
                    Utils.getHeaders(tableFields, [], tableHeaders);
                var groupFields = group.outputFields();
                Utils.getHeaders(groupFields, groupSkip, groupHeaders);
                for (var k=0; k<group.players.length; k++) {
                    var player = group.players[k];
                    var fieldsToOutput = player.outputFields();
                    Utils.getHeaders(fieldsToOutput, playerSkip, playerHeaders);
        var participantHeaders = [];
        var participantSkip = ['id', 'points', 'periodIndex', 'appIndex'];
        for (var i in this.session.participants) {
            var participant = this.session.participants[i];
            var participantFields = participant.outputFields();
            Utils.getHeaders(participantFields, participantSkip, participantHeaders);

        //Create data
        var appsText = [];
        appsText.push('id' + this.outputDelimiter + appsHeaders.join(this.outputDelimiter));
        var newLine = + this.outputDelimiter;
        for (var h=0; h<appsHeaders.length; h++) {
            var header = appsHeaders[h];
            if (this[header] !== undefined) {
                newLine += JSON.stringify(this[header]);
            if (h<appsHeaders.length-1) {
                newLine += this.outputDelimiter;

        var periodText = [];
        var groupText = [];
        var playerText = [];
        groupText.push('' + this.outputDelimiter + '' + this.outputDelimiter + groupHeaders.join(this.outputDelimiter));
        playerText.push('' + this.outputDelimiter + '' + this.outputDelimiter + '' + this.outputDelimiter + playerHeaders.join(this.outputDelimiter));
        for (var i=0; i<this.periods.length; i++) {
            var period = this.periods[i];
            var newLine = + this.outputDelimiter;
            newLine = this.appendValues(newLine, periodHeaders, period);
            for (var j=0; j<period.groups.length; j++) {
                var group = period.groups[j];
                var newLine = + this.outputDelimiter + + this.outputDelimiter;
                newLine = this.appendValues(newLine, groupHeaders, group);
                for (var k=0; k<group.players.length; k++) {
                    var player = group.players[k];
                    var participant = player.participant;
                    var newLine = + this.outputDelimiter + + this.outputDelimiter + + this.outputDelimiter;
                    newLine = this.appendValues(newLine, playerHeaders, player);
        var participantText = [];
        var participantHeadersText = 'id' + this.outputDelimiter + 'points';
        if (participantHeaders.length > 0) {
            participantHeadersText += this.outputDelimiter + participantHeaders.join(this.outputDelimiter);
        var pIds = Object.keys(this.session.participants);
        for (var i in pIds) {
            var participant = this.session.participants[pIds[i]];
            var newLine = + this.outputDelimiter + participant.points();
            if (participantHeaders.length > 0) {
                newLine += this.outputDelimiter;
            for (var h=0; h<participantHeaders.length; h++) {
                var header = participantHeaders[h];
                if (participant[header] !== undefined) {
                    newLine += JSON.stringify(participant[header]);
                if (h<participantHeaders.length-1) {
                    newLine += this.outputDelimiter;

        // WRITE OUTPUT
        let fullText = '';
        fullText += 'APP ' + this.indexInSession() + '_' + + '\n';
        fullText += appsText.join('\n') + '\n';
        if (periodHeaders.length > 0) {
            fullText += 'PERIODS\n';
            fullText += periodText.join('\n') + '\n';
        if (groupHeaders.length > 0) {
            fullText += 'GROUPS\n';
            fullText += groupText.join('\n') + '\n';

        for (var t=0; t<groupTables.length; t++) {
            var groupTableText = [];
            var table = groupTables[t];
            var tableHeaders = groupTableHeaders[table];
            groupTableText.push('' + this.outputDelimiter + '' + this.outputDelimiter + 'id' + this.outputDelimiter + tableHeaders.join(this.outputDelimiter));
            for (var i=0; i<this.periods.length; i++) {
                var period = this.periods[i];
                for (var j=0; j<period.groups.length; j++) {
                    var group = period.groups[j];
                    try {
                        var tabRows = group[table].rows;
                        for (var r=0; r<tabRows.length; r++) {
                            var row = tabRows[r];
                            var newLine = + this.outputDelimiter + + this.outputDelimiter + + this.outputDelimiter;
                            newLine = this.appendValues(newLine, tableHeaders, row);
                    } catch (err) {
            fullText += groupTables[t].toUpperCase() + '\n';
            fullText += groupTableText.join('\n') + '\n';

        if (playerHeaders.length > 0) {
            fullText += 'PLAYERS\n';
            fullText += playerText.join('\n') + '\n';

        fullText += 'PARTICIPANTS\n';
        fullText += participantText.join('\n') + '\n';

        return fullText;


     * @return {string}  Session path + {@link App#indexInSession} + '_' +
    getOutputFN() {
        return this.session.getOutputDir() + '/' + this.getIdInSession();

     * - clear group's timer.
     * - if next stage exists, let the group play it.
     * - for each player in the group, call {@link App#playerMoveToNextStage}.
     * @param  {Group} group
    groupMoveToNextStage(group) {
        var nextStage = this.nextStageForGroup(group);

        //If not at last stage of session, mvoe group to next stage.
        if (nextStage !== null) {

        if (nextStage === null || nextStage.waitForGroup) {
            for (var p in group.players) {

    getIdInSession() {
        return this.indexInSession() + '_' + this.shortId;

     * @return {number} The index of this app in its session's list of apps (first position = 1).
    indexInSession() {
        if (this.session === null) {
            return -1;

        for (var i in this.session.apps) {
            if (this.session.apps[i] === this) {
                return parseInt(i)+1;
        return -1;

     * Creates a new period with the given id + 1, saves it and adds it to this App's periods.
     * Called from:
     * - {@link App.participantBeginPeriod}
     * @param  {number} prd The index to assign to the new period.
    initPeriod(prd) {
        var period = new + 1, this);;

     * metaData - description
     * @return {type}  description
    metaData() {
        var metaData = {};
        metaData.numPeriods = this.numPeriods;
        metaData.groupSize = this.groupSize; =;
        metaData.shortId = this.shortId;
        metaData.title = this.title;
        metaData.description = this.description;
        metaData.appPath = this.appPath;
        metaData.hasError = this.hasError;
        metaData.errorPosition = this.errorPosition;
        metaData.errorLine = this.errorLine;
        metaData.isStandaloneApp = this.isStandaloneApp;

        // var folder = path.join(this.jt.path, this.jt.settings.appFolders[0] + '/' +;
        try {
            if (this.appPath.endsWith('.jtt') || this.appPath.endsWith('.js')) {
                metaData.appjs = Utils.readJS(this.appPath);
            } else {
                metaData.appjs = Utils.readJS(this.appPath + '/app.jtt');
        } catch (err) {
            metaData.appjs = '';

        try {
            metaData.clientHTML = Utils.readJS(this.appPath + '/client.html');
        } catch (err) {
            metaData.clientHTML = '';

        var app = new App({}, this.jt,;

        metaData.stages = [];
        try {
            for (var i in app.stages) {
            metaData.numPeriods = app.numPeriods;
            metaData.options = app.options;
        } catch (err) {
            metaData.numPeriods = 'unknown';

        return metaData;

    addPositiveIntegerOption(name, defaultVal, max, desc) {
        this.addNumberOption(name, defaultVal, 1, max, 1, desc);

    addNumberOption(name, defaultVal, min, max, step, description) {
        // Add to list of options.
            type: 'number',
            name: name,
            min: min,
            max: max,
            step: step,
            defaultVal: defaultVal,
            description: description

        // Add value, if does not already exist.
        if (this[name] === undefined) {
            this[name] = defaultVal;

        // Value already exists, coerce if possible into one of the original option values.
        else {
            this.setOptionValue(name, this[name]);

    addTextOption(name, defaultVal, description) {
        // Add to list of options.
            type: 'text',
            name: name,
            defaultVal: defaultVal,
            description: description

        // Add value, if does not already exist.
        if (this[name] === undefined) {
            this[name] = defaultVal;

        // Value already exists, coerce if possible into one of the original option values.
        else {
            this.setOptionValue(name, this[name]);

    addSelectOption(optionName, optionVals, description) {

        // Add to list of options.
            type: 'select',
            name: optionName,
            values: optionVals,
            description: description

        // Add value, if does not already exist.
        if (this[optionName] === undefined) {
            this[optionName] = optionVals[0];

        // Value already exists, coerce if possible into one of the original option values.
        else {
            this.setOptionValue(optionName, this[optionName]);

    reload() {
        var app = new App(this.session, this.jt,;
        app.optionValues = this.optionValues;
        for (var opt in app.optionValues) {
            app[opt] = app.optionValues[opt];
        var appCode = Utils.readJS(this.appPath);
        return app;

    setOptionValue(name, value) {
        this.optionValues[name] = value;
        var correctedValue = value;
        var isValid = false;
        let foundOpt = false;
        for (var opt in this.options) {
            var option = this.options[opt];
            if ( === name) {
                foundOpt = true;
                if (option.type === 'select') {
                    for (var i in option.values) {
                        if (option.values[i] == value) { // allow for coercion
                            correctedValue = option.values[i];
                            isValid = true;
                } else if (option.type === 'number') {
                    correctedValue = value - 0; /** coerce to number*/
                    isValid = true;
                } else if (option.type === 'text') {
                    isValid = true;
                    // no correction needed.
        if (isValid || !foundOpt) {
            this[name] = correctedValue;

     * Creates a new {@link Stage} and adds it to the App.
     * @param  {string} id The identifier of the stage.
     * @return {Stage} The new stage.
    newStage(id) {
        if (id == null) {
            id = 'stage' + (this.stages.length + 1);
        var stage = new, this);
        return stage;

     * Returns the next stage for a given group in a given stage.
     * 1. If stage is not the last stage of this app, return the next stage of this app.
     * 2. If period is not the last period of this app, return the first stage of this app.
     * 3. If app is not the last app of this session, return the first stage of the next app.
     * 4. Otherwise, return null.
     * TODO: Does the next stage have Stage.waitForGroup == true?
     * - {@link Stage#playerEnd}
     * - {@link App#groupMoveToNextStage}
     * @param  {Group} group The group
     * @return {(null|Stage)} The next stage for this group, or null.
    nextStageForGroup(group) {
        var slowestPlayers = group.slowestPlayers();
        return slowestPlayers[0].nextStage();

     * Called when a player finishes a stage.
     * By default, check whether everyone in group is finished.
     * If yes, then advance to next stage ([this.session.gotoNextStage(]{@link Session.gotoNextStage}).
     * @param  {Player} player description
    onPlayerFinished(player) {
        var proceed = true;
        for (var p in {
            var pId =[p];
            if (this.session.player(pId).status !== 'finished') {
                proceed = false;
        if (proceed) {

     * The names of fields to include in an export of this object. To be included, a field must:
     * - not be a function ({@link Utils.isFunction})
     * - not be included in {@link App#outputHide}
     * - not be included in {@link App#outputHideAuto}
     * @return {Array}  An array of the field names.
    outputFields() {
        var fields = [];
        for (var prop in this) {
            if (
                App.prototype[prop] !== this[prop] &&
                !this.outputHide.includes(prop) &&
        return fields;

    start() {
        if (this.started) {
        this.started = true;

     * Called when a participant begins this app.
     * - For each of the [Clients]{@link Client} of this participant, call {@link App.addClientDefault}.
     * - Set the participant's periodIndex to -1.
     * - Participant notifies clients about appIndex.
     * - Move participant to next period {@link App.participantMoveToNextPeriod}.
     * - Participant notified clients about starting new app.
     * @param  {Participant} participant The participant.
    participantBegin(participant) {

        for (var c in participant.clients) {
            var client = participant.clients[c];

        participant.periodIndex = -1;
        participant.emit('participantSetAppIndex', {appIndex: this.indexInSession()});

        let duration = this.getParticipantDuration(participant);
        if (duration != null) {
            participant.appTimer = new
                function() {
                    participant.session.addMessageToStartOfQueue(participant, {}, 'endCurrentApp');

        participant.emit('start-new-app'); /** refresh clients.*/

     * A participant begins its current period.
     * - Participant notifies its clients of periodIndex.
     * - If current period undefined, initialize it ({@link App.initPeriod}).
     * - Participant begins period ({@link Period.participantBegin}).
     * Called from:
     * - {@link App.participantMoveToNextPeriod}.
     * @param  {type} participant The participant.
    participantBeginPeriod(participant) {
        var prd = participant.periodIndex;
        participant.emit('participantSetPeriodIndex', {periodIndex: participant.periodIndex});

        var period = this.getPeriod(prd);
        if (period === undefined) {
            return false;

    getPeriod(index) {
        if (this.periods[index] == undefined) {
        return this.periods[index];

     * A participant moves to its next period.
     * - If participant is currently in a period, end it ({@link Period.participantEnd}).
     * - Increment participant's period index.
     * - Save participant ({@link}).
     * - If participant is has finished all periods in this app, move to next app ({@link Session.participantMoveToNextApp}).
     * - Otherwise, begin new period ({@link App.participantBeginPeriod}).
     * - {@link App#playerMoveToNextStage}
     * - {@link App#participantBegin}
     * @param  {type} participant description
     * @return {type}             description
     participantMoveToNextPeriod(participant) {
         // If in the last period of app, move to next app.
         if (participant.periodIndex >= this.numPeriods - 1) {

         // Move to the next period of this app.
         else {
             // If not in the first period, end the previous period for this participant.
             if (participant.periodIndex > -1) {

             // Move to next period.

     * A participant finishes playing this app.
     * - Participant's clients unsubscribe from messages from this app.
     * - Try to end the app ({@link App#tryToEndApp}).
     * - xxx
     * @param  {Participant} participant The participant.
    participantEndInternal(participant) {
        // for (var c in participant.clients) {
        //     var client = participant.clients[c];
        //     client.socket.leave(this.roomId());
        // }

    participantEnd(participant) {}

    // /**
    //  * Move the player to their next stage.
    //  *
    //  * - if player has not finished all stages,
    //  * -- set player status to 'playing'
    //  * -- increment player's stage index.
    //  * -- play next stage ({@link Stage#playerPlayDefault}).
    //  * -- player emits update ({@link Player#emitUpdate2}).
    //  * - otherwise, move participant to next period ([this.participantMoveToNextPeriod(player.participant)]{@link App#participantMoveToNextPeriod}).
    //  *
    //  * CALLED FROM
    //  * - {@link App#groupMoveToNextStage}
    //  *
    //  * @param  {Player} player The player
    //  * @return {type}        description
    //  */
    // playerMoveToNextStage(player) {
    //     if (player.stageIndex < this.stages.length - 1) {
    //         player.status = 'playing';
    //         player.stageIndex++;
    //         player.stage = this.stages[player.stageIndex];
    //         player.stage.playerPlayDefault(player);
    //         player.emitUpdate2();
    //     } else {
    //         this.participantMoveToNextPeriod(player.participant);
    //     }
    // }

     * Returns the player of the current player's participant from the previous period.
     * @param  {Player} player The player.
     * @return {Player}        The previous player, if any.
    previousPlayer(player) {
        var prevPeriod = player.period().prevPeriod();
        if (prevPeriod === null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return prevPeriod.playerByParticipantId(;

     * Returns the group of the current player's participant from the previous period.
     * @param  {Group} group The group.
     * @return TODO:{Player}        The previous player, if any.
    previousGroup(group) {
        var prevPeriod = group.period().prevPeriod();
        if (prevPeriod === null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return Utils.findByIdWOJQ(prevPeriod.groups,;

     * roomId - description
     * @return {string}  {@link Session#roomId} + '_app_' +
    roomId() {
        return this.session.roomId() + '_app_' + this.indexInSession() + '-' +;

     * saveSelfAndChildren - description
     * - {@link Session#addApp}

     * @return {type}  description
    saveSelfAndChildren() {;
        for (var i in this.stages) {

     * Save this {@link App} to the session .gsf file.
     * - {@link App#saveSelfAndChildren}
    save() {
        try {
            this.session.jt.log(' ' +;
            var toSave =;
            this.session.saveDataFS(toSave, 'APP');
        } catch (err) {
            console.log('Error saving app ' + + ': ' + err);

    copyFieldsTo(obj) {
        var fields = this.outputFields();
        for (var f in fields) {
            var field = fields[f];
            if (Utils.isFunction(this[field])) {
                obj['__func_' + field] = this[field].toString();
            } else {
                obj[field] = this[field];

     * A shell of this object. Excludes parent, includes child shells.
     * - {@link Session#addApp}
     * @return {type}  description
    shellWithChildren() {
        var out = {};
        out.indexInSession = this.indexInSession();
        out.periods = [];
        for (var i in this.periods) {
            out.periods[i] = this.periods[i].shellWithChildren();
        out.stages = [];
        for (var i in this.stages) {
            out.stages[i] = this.stages[i].shell();
        out.options = this.options;
        return out;

     * A shell of this object. Includes parent shell, excludes child shells.
     * @return {type}  description
    shellWithParent() {
        var out = {};
        out.session =;
        out.numStages = this.stages.length;
        out.vueComputedText = {};
        for (let i in this.vueComputed) {
            out.vueComputedText[i] = this.vueComputed[i].toString();
        out.vueMethodsText = {};
        for (let i in this.vueMethods) {
            out.vueMethodsText[i] = this.vueMethods[i].toString();
        for (let i in this.vueMethodsDefault) {
            if (out.vueMethodsText[i] == null) {
                out.vueMethodsText[i] = this.vueMethodsDefault[i].toString();
        return out;

     * A shell of this object. Excludes parent and children. The shell is a simplified version of an object and any of its fields.
     * - {@link App#save}
     * @return {Object}  description
    shell() {
        var out = {};
        out.sessionIndex = this.indexInSession();
        return out;

     * If all participants have finished the app, end the app ({@link App#end}).
     * - {@link App#participantEndInternal}
     * @return {type}  description
    tryToEndApp() {
        if (this.finished) {

        var proceed = true;
        var participants = this.session.participants;
        for (var p in participants) {
            var participant = participants[p];
            if (!participant.isFinishedApp(this)) {
                proceed = false;
        if (proceed) {

    // Helper method for writing to csv.
    appendValues(newLine, headers, obj) {
        for (var i=0; i<headers.length; i++) {
            var header = headers[i];
            var value = obj[header];
            if (value !== undefined && value !== null) {

                // If value is an object, change it to string.
                if (typeof value === 'object') {
                    value = JSON.stringify(obj[header]);

                // If value is a string, replace any commas.
                if (typeof value === 'string') {
                    value = value.replace(/,/g, '--');

                // Append the value.
                newLine += value;

            if (i<headers.length-1) {
                newLine += this.outputDelimiter;
        return newLine;

     * Overwrite in app.jtt.
     * @param  {type} participant description
     * @return {type}             description
    participantStart(participant) {}

    getNextPeriod(participant) {
        if (participant.player != null) {
            participant.periodIndex = - 1;
        if (participant.periodIndex >= this.numPeriods - 1) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return this.getPeriod(participant.periodIndex+1);


var exports = module.exports = {}; = App;
exports.load = App.load;
exports.newSansId = App.newSansId;